
The Southeast Asian Micronational Association (SEAMA) is an international organization established on July 24, 2021, with the aim of fostering cooperation and peace among micronations in Southeast Asia. Founded by Azwariq Qadri of Subejia, the SEAMA focuses on promoting unity, diplomacy, and sportsmanship among its member nations.

The SEAMA’s official languages include English, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, and Javanese, reflecting the diverse cultures in Southeast Asia. The organization has a structure comprising Quorum, the Executive, and the Supreme Court, with key leadership roles such as the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Supreme Justice.

Over the years, the SEAMA has grown and influenced micronations in Southeast Asia. It accepts membership from sovereign nations with territory in Southeast Asia, actively promoting diplomatic relations in the region. As of 2023, SEAMA has five active member nations.

The SEAMA’s history includes notable events like the establishment of the Southeast Asian Micronations Games Federation (SEAMGF) and the implementation of its charter in February 2022. The organization has faced leadership changes, including contested elections and resignations, shaping its development.

This concise overview provides insight into the SEAMA’s mission, structure, and historical milestones in promoting collaboration among micronations in Southeast Asia.

Read our MicroWiki page for more detailed informations.

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